Verschneite Berge – Pitztal
Skitour Hochzeiger Pitztal
Restaurant am Pitztaler Gletscher

Freeriding & ski mountaineering

Natural powder snow and glacier views

Earn your turn - step by step towards the summit. Right on our doorstep, the Pitztal Glacier and Rifflsee are a huge playground for freeriders and ski tourers. Whether with or without lift assistance - the altitude ensures the best powder until well into spring. The classics include a ski tour to the Wildspitze or a descent from the Mittagskogel. After an eventful day, you can review your own line from our sun terrace. Please note, however, that leaving the secured ski area requires the right equipment and alpine experience. We strongly recommend that you are accompanied by a local mountain guide.

Good to know

Good to know

The Pitztal Mountain Guide Association and the Pitztal Ski School offer a varied winter programme with ski tours and guided freeride experiences for all ability levels.

+43 5413 86308